Ibn Ǧibrīn or Abdullah ibn Abdulrahman ibn Jibreen (Arabic: عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن بن جبرين) (1933-13 July 2009) was a Saudi-based cleric[1] and a member of the powerful Senior Clerics Association[2] and Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Issuing Fatwas in Saudi Arabia.The Holy Quran Recitation of its entirety by Ibrahim JibreenThis App contains the complete Qur'an Karim in High Quality MP3 audio by the famous Quran reciter Ibrahim Jibreen
Listen to the " Murottal Quran Ibrahim Jibreen" free.1. Mushaf Quran (need Adobe Reader etc)2. Audio Quran Ibrahim Jibreen
- All files are streamed from the internet (internet connection needed to listen!)- You can also download each MP3 file ( icon in the top right corner )- If file is downloaded, the app will serve the audio file directly from your device (no internet connection needed)- Audio (streamed and downloaded) stops automatically when you receive a call
To download: select file, press long and see options.